A few words about the Museum
The Tragor Ignác Museum from 2013 is maintained by the City Council, and I’ts main aim is to protect the city’s intangible and tangible heritage. The museum by it’s local history, folklore and history of art collector circuits protects, collects, preserves, processes and presents the memories of the human past, documents and intangible heritage. Our exhibitions can be found in the city centre in various locations. The most visited exhibition is the internationally famous "Memento mori", which presents the 18 century finds of the dominican crypt.
Getting to know and protect the local values is a common goal. Besides our exhibitions we are are regularly organizing different sessions. We are happy to welcome every interested person and group.
In 1990 the museum took the name of Ignác Tragor. As a researcher of the local history, and the president of the Museum Association of Vác, Tragor did a lot for getting to know the town and it’s history, and to save it’s relics and documents. We are trying to work in his spirit every day. Tragor wrote this about the museum more than 100 years ago:
"... After the glorious past, deserves a bright future ..."
Visit us virtual and in reality as well. We are waiting for you in Vac, Hungarian City of Culture, at the Museum Tragor Ignác’s programs and exhibitions!
Contact: Address: 2600 Vác, Zrínyi u.41.a Phone: +36-27/200-868 Mobile: +36 30/555-7620 Web: http://muzeumvac.hu E-mail: info@muzeumvac.hu |